Manual labor has always been a difficult part of every manufacturing and storage facility – lifting and transporting heavy parts and materials eventually takes a toll on a worker’s health. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem today – implementing tow tugs in your business operations. This is a type of machinery that isn’t as complicated as a forklift but it is capable of lifting pretty heavy loads. It usually comes with a long strong handle for you to maneuver, making this operation safer and easier. This, in turn, leads to a more productive work environment and an increase in the safety and efficiency of your workers.
In order, for tow tugs to be able to move a load, they need to have wheels or they should come on a platform that has them, like a trolley. They work by using the downward force generated by the weight of the load which delivers the traction needed for the tug’s own drive wheel. Unlike forklifts, tow tugs can move loads on rails and other floor types.
Oftentimes, the configuration of the loads’ wheels is to have one pair swiveling and the other fixed. Also, the load needs to have a female coupling which will attach to that of the machine, making a stable connection. What is also great about tow tugs is that they release no emissions, making them a perfect choice for both preserving the environment and helping you improve workflow. There is no special training needed to operate tow tugs and everyone can learn how to operate one in about half an hour. However, the most important thing is to stay safe and keep in mind the following tips.
You should always approach the load and line up both couplings and then raise the mast so that the male connects to the female coupling, which is usually done with the press of a button. There are some tow tugs that don’t have that option, meaning that they don’t have a hydraulic mast. You will raise the mast until the weight from the load transfers enough traction to the wheels of the tug. Once that’s done, just press the throttle to move both the load and the machine. When you’ve arrived at your spot, just lower the mast until the tow couplings are separated and move away from the load.
In case the load is not moving when you connect the two couplings, try moving the mast a little bit further until you get enough downforce but don’t push it. You’ll want to use the speed switch in order to improve the handling of the load.