Purpose of Ecigarette Clearomizer

Ecigarette clearomizer is a term that refers to a component of an electronic cigarette which enables the smoker to inhale the vapor produced by the heating of the e-liquid. The vapor itself is the final product that mostly interests the smoker, since it mimics the nicotine release of the traditional cigarettes. The level of nicotine produced can be lower, higher or equal to that of a traditional cigarette.

What makes clearomizers unique is their transparency – you can actually see the whole process. The ecigarette clearomizer is connected to the cartridge which is in fact the mouthpiece of the e-cigarette and also to the atomizer which is the part that heats up and transforms the liquid into vapor.


Clearomizers are at the same time very similar and very different from cartomizers, the main difference being the clearomizers’ transparency. But still, that is not the only thing that sets them apart. For instance, they are very different material-wise: the ecigarette clearomizer is made of plastic that is very lightweight and in certain cases even breakable, whereas the cartomizer is made from truly thick plastic that cannot get broken easily.

Cartomisers are filled with polyfill that helps determine the quantity of the liquid present. Clearomizers either don’t have polyfill filling or they have it in very small amounts. This is due to the fact that more polyfill can obscure the inside of the clearomizer and prevent the user from seeing the whole process, which is one of the main reasons why clearomizers are preferred.


Some people might ask why it is so important for smokers to see the process and the answer is – it is pretty amazing. First of all, the users of electronic cigarettes are aware of the fact that by quitting traditional cigarettes, they are also turning the back to more than 3,000 toxic substances. Therefore, watching the heating up of the liquid that does not contain anything else but pure and clear nicotine substance, is appealing to the users. Another reason why the visibility offered by an ecigarette clearomizer is desired is the fact that you get an instant visual reminder how high or low you are running on liquid and when the cartridge needs to be replaced. Finally, cleromizers are usually able to store more liquid due to their size and this is very convenient because they do not require to be replaced as often as the cartomizers.

The main reason why smokers choose not to use a clearomizer is that it is more prone to breakage due to the thinner plastic casing. When electronic cigarettes break, the spill can be messy and odorous. Some smokers dislike clearomizers because the flavour is less potent than the one of the cartomizers, but this is a subjective issue that many smokers do not notice at all.